About Mend Counseling

Our Therapists

In Alphabetical Order

  • Brian Mulder (He/Him)

    Brian is for anyone needing an open minded guide to join them on their journey of self discovery. They include musicians, artists, those seeking pilgrimage, or anyone just feeling stuck. Exploring relationships, emotions, sexuality and spirituality, he draws from a vast array of life experiences, and training to help clients move forward.

  • Christina Fong (She/Her)

    Christina brings understanding to the misunderstood. Whether labeled as “borderline,” feelings of being on the outside looking in, or just a general need put words to what it’s like to “be me,” she is fascinated by both the art and science of psychotherapy. Christina utilizes the latest tools such as DBT in addition to depth orientation.

  • Keely Murphy (She/Her)

    Keely’s clients start with a need to rediscover their own voice. She asks her clients thoughtful questions to draw out their truth, and find new confidence. She’s inspired to help those she works with breathe a little easier. With Keely, clients discover new freedom and get back to feeling like themselves.

  • Lucas Koole (He/Him)

    People reach out to Lucas when, for one reason or another, they don't feel at home in their own skin. After processing wounds from their past— sometimes referred to as trauma — they come to recognize themselves and remember who they are. This helps people to not only relate to themselves more effectively, but also to the world around them.

  • Peter Cappon (He/Him)

    Most of Peter’s clients start with a problem that sounds like “I don’t understand why I—”.  They’re people who, like all of us, want to be a good parent, partner, friend, or employee/boss, but something is getting in the way. He founded Mend to employ a variety of evidence-based practices to help clients get clarity and start moving forward again.

Start your healing journey today.

Sliding Scale

Because of our commitment to inclusivity, we want to make sure that mental health services are available for as many people as possible.  Mend accepts multiple forms of insurance as well as cash only appointments and has a sliding scale available to make therapy affordable for those who have fewer resources

How it all started.

I had my identity crisis in Africa.  

My dad had been sick for six years, and after he passed, I dropped out of college and moved to Africa to try to make a difference in the world.

What I found, in addition to vibrant and beautiful people, was that loneliness and pain had followed me.

There, I found that in order to really be helpful to other people, I needed to find healing for myself.

Through therapy and learning to become a therapist, I started my lifelong journey of continuous healing from the hurt and heartache we experience simply by being human.

At some point, every one of us learns that no matter if you change cities, change jobs, change relationships . . . or even change countries like I did, you bring yourself with you.

Until we develop the skills, understanding, and self-compassion to begin our own healing process, there’s no amount of changing situations that will truly help us feel better.

I started Mend to help as many people as possible find healing.  Each Mend therapist brings their own story, background, and perspective to their sessions, but we’re all committed to the same goal.

No matter what you’re going through, you’re not alone.  We would be honored to play a small role in helping you move through life with more peace, confidence, and clarity.